The good addition to any e-commerce site for user this navigation…
Take a look at our demonstration of this module, the arrangement of items displayed in a single frame is very neat and clear.
In addition, friendly user interface in Admin panel is totally easy for you to control every parameter we provide. Refer to the photos we captured and specified below to see how it works.
This module will display categories up to unlimited levels deep. This module can be used with any template running Virtuemart and allows an admin to change items like: font colors, font sizes, background colors, border styles and so much more!
* Compatibility with SH404SEF search engine optimization
* Build base on Virtuemart function
+ Change speed of slide.
+ Mouse trigger: Mouse over, Mouse click or both event
+ Change link in parent menu or no.
+ Fix problem with light box, we use Mootools for accordion
+ Fix problem with level 3 menu items.
Available for all joomla and virtuemart version.
New version 3.0 avaiable:
Change log:
+ Insert three styles.
+ Fix some bugs you have emailed me.
New version 3.1 avaiable:
Change log:
+ You can display or hide empty category.
+ Fixed some error with module style.
New version 3.2 avaiable:
Change log:
+ Fixed problem in old version: Display disabled category.
New version 3.3 avaiable: Fixed category order, etc…
Version 3.4 avaiable: Fixed style error, problem with SEO Frendly Url.
Version 3.5 avaiable for Joomla 1.5, 1.7 and 2.5
Version 3.8 avaiable for Joomla 1.5, 1.7 and 2.5, fixed three styles
Version 4.0 avaiable: More style, custom style: You can put any color code for text, background, choose icon for open/close menu
Version 9.0 avaiable:compatible with Joomla! 3.10.x and Joomla! 4 and Joomla! 5 and Virtuemart 4